I’m entering that time and space of
letting go,
my chronological timepiece
witness to
time’s relentless forward motion.
Letting go
the affectations that
erect a facsimile
of existence and the
ephemeral nature of experience.
Letting go
of all the ego’s darlings,
edifices built upon
shifting sand and the
irrascible winds of change.
Letting go
affiliations built upon
intricate mythologies
constructed to obscure
the unavoidable finality
of human existence.
Letting go
for death stalks with
painstaking persistence
regardless of the
elaborate scafolding of
comfortable delusion.
Letting go
all the countless
righteous indignations,
tilting at windmills,
while the natural world exposes
to blinded vision
true nature of reality
far more comprehensive than
human mind’s tentative grasp of
the present moment.
Letting go
all the artful dodging,
all the pretense,
all the absurd vanities,
all the comforting illusions
that contort the
wondrous gift of comprehension.
It is time for this
letting go
to prepare myself
when it is my turn
to join the joy molecular,
with grace, integrity, love and clarity.