Moon dances in the evening sky
breezes stir the myriad blossoms
trees flick branches
at passing birds in splendid flight
summer day is awaiting its
canopy of darkness.
This wondrous earth
tentacles of life invading
every rock,
every minuscule pool of water,
every bit of dirt,
even scalding desert sand is not immune
to life’s entreaty.
Yet, in spite of this
incessant beauty,
earth is sorely plagued by
endless human folly.
Blood is drawn from shattered bodies
limbs are splintered and made useless
skulls crushed from the weight
of war’s endeavor,
mothers divorced from their children
taken by the sharpened rapier or
blunted stone,
husbands denied their wives’ embrace
separated by death’s dominion.
Wondrous beauty of this planet
deadened in the eyes of humans
bereft of love and
fashioned into mindless warriors
wedded to the darkness of
futile hatred,
subservient to absurd notions
blinded by vacant and moribund ideas.
What will become of our earthly home
when the air grows fowl from
the pyre of our collective madness.
What will become of our fathomless oceans
when finally bereft of the living.
What will become of our sanguine dreams
when the ominous clouds of our own making
overshadow all the sweetness we might
otherwise envision.
Moon dances in the evening sky
breezes stir the myriad blossoms
trees flick branches
at passing birds in splendid flight
summer day is awaiting its
canopy of darkness.