Tuesday, February 18, 2014


it is the cacophony
of idle sweeping sounds
that imprisons me,
it is the shape of words as
they coerce the lips,
harness the throat
and bend the mind
that coral my spirit.

attempt to bridge that
monumental chasm that separates
one mind from the next,
it is at the forge that
molds and fashions
words from idle speculation
that i labor,
it is with a reckless hammer
that i strike upon the anvil
that is my mind
as i attempt to bend the path of
illustrious time to meet
my fiery aspirations.

formed in careless utterance,
to dislodge the shackles of silence,
constructed with precision to
woo a prospect of
romantic vision or
impress like a wily magician.

harbingers of good and ill,
conduits of the wily emotions that
speak of dreams and
hint at what is to come and
what has passed within the
wake of time’s incessant motion.

keepers of thoughts
both gracious and defiant,
capable of persuasion
that can placate or
insight insidious rebellion,
that can speak of kindness and
quell strains of violence that
plague the human soul.

my hopeless addiction,
my incessant bedfellows
whose lyrics can
strain my composure,
whose sonorous renditions
can make me weak,
whose insistence can
make me irritable.

welling upwards from
subterranean domain of
inscrutable id
to play havoc
to perplex in
wildly chaotic parabolics
to induce euphoria or
unspeakable dread
ultimately laying waste
beloved yet fleeting composure.

can be vindictive,
can be sublime,
roar out of my throat
or come in a whimper,
can sustain my fragile grasp
on the soul of existence
or be the witness to
my undoing.

Whether in a palace
or graveyard
words inhabit the
vault where memories
reside in the heart
of that eternal ocean
that hapless citadel of knowledge
and resistance.

it is the cacophony
of idle sweeping sounds
that imprison me,
it is the shape of words as
they coerce the lips,
harness the throat
and bend the mind

that coral my spirit.

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